
How Acupuncture Affects Fertility and Pregnancy

Acupuncture refers to the insertion of the insertion if the sterile needles that are ultra-thin into specific acupuncture points on the body which resides on the meridians or channels. It is believed that when these points are needled, they can regulate the way the body functions.

Basic facts

Treatment of infertility using acupuncture

Acupuncture combined with herbal medicine has been used since time immemorial to treat different cases of acupunctureinfertility. However, this method has not worked for certain cases like the tubal adhesions which are usually caused by the endometriosis or the inflammatory disease.

Nonetheless, the individuals suffering from infertility issues can benefit from herbs and acupuncture because they have the potential effect of improving the follicular and ovarian function. Acupuncture also helps increase blood flow which is ideal for all the pregnant mothers as the fetus depends on her entirely for all the nutrients.

Acupuncture treatment of infertility

Acupuncture is similar to the physical therapy which is a process-oriented method of medical intervention. The patients are usually treated for between three and four months before it is progressed to the insemination, in vitro fertilization, or donor egg transfer.
The pacing of the treatment has been found to have a therapeutic effect. It is recommended for the women to receive the acupuncture treatments for both post and pre-embryo transfer. Acupuncture treatments in pregnancy should last through week 12 to help prevent miscarriage since most miscarriages usually occur within the first three months.

Acupuncture points during pregnancy

One of the most asked queries is whether or not the acupuncture points are different after donor egg transfer, IVF, or insemination. It is a general rule for the acupuncturist not to place the needles in the abdominopelvic area after transfer or insemination. There are about six contraindicated acupuncture points that should always be avoided when the pregnancy is suspected or when the patient is pregnant.
These points include the Bladder 67, Bladder 60, Spleen 6, Large Intestines 4, Stomach 12, and Gall Bladder 21. All the points that are on the lower part of the abdomen are also in this category.

Risks of using acupuncture for the fertility treatment

acupunctureThere are minimal risks in the application of the acupuncture for the treatment of fertility. The risk of miscarriage will naturally increase if the incorrect acupuncture points during the pregnancy.

It is therefore recommended to make use of the professional acupuncturist in the treatment of the fertility problems.…